Thursday, December 27, 2012

Japan Release of Baby Signing Time ベビー・サイニングタイムの日本リリース

日本コロムビアTwo Little Handsと提携して、2012年12月19日にDVDのベビーサイニングタイム・シリーズをリリースしました。幼い子どもたちと手話することを学ぶ上で多くの偉大なメリットがあるこの教材が“公式に”日本に来たことを、私はとても喜んでいます。
この投稿では、Two Little Handと日本コロムビアからリリースされたこれらのDVDの何が同じで何が違うかについての詳細を読むことができます。

On December 19th, 2012 Nippon Columbia, in partnership with Two Little Hands, released the Baby Signing Time series on DVD.  I am excited to see it "officially" come to Japan as there are so many great benefits of learning to sign with young children.
In THIS POST you can read more details about what is the same/different between the DVDs release by Two Little Hand and Columbia Japan.

US Baby Signing Time website アメリカサイト:

Japan Signing Time site 日本サイト:

Baby Signing Time と ベビー・サイニングタイム

Baby Signing Timeベビー・サイニングタイム はどこが一緒で、どこが違いますか?
How are the Japan and the US Baby Signing Time DVDs the same and different?

基本的にこの二つは(二つの異なる市場に向けて制作された)同じ内容のものです。Baby Signing Time (BST)は、家族が米国手話(ASL)を使ってまだ言葉を話せない子どもたちとコミュニケーションをとるのを助けることを目的とした、Two Little Hands Productionsの商品です。 Baby Signing Time (BST)日本版は、日本コロムビアよりリリースされています。それは米国版と同じビデオ映像と音が含まれていますが、日本版パッケージで提供され、字幕が含まれています。日本版リリースの目的は、言語学習プロセスを助けるASLの語彙を用いた英語の教材としてです。
Essentially they are the same product made for two different markets.  Baby Signing Time (BST) is a product of Two Little Hands Productions company aimed at helping families communicate with their young children by using ASL vocabulary.
The BST Japan release is by Nippon Columbia.  It includes the same video footage and sound as the US release but comes in a Japanized package and includes subtitles.  The aim of the Japan release is as an English teaching tool with ASL vocabulary aiding in the language learning process.

アメリカ版 (オリジナル版) Baby Signing Time (BST)は、

☆ 英語のサウンドトラックを収録しています。
☆ 英語の字幕つきです。
☆ パッケージは英語です。
☆ マルチリージョン形式のDVDなので、どのDVDプレーヤーでも再生できます。
☆ メニューは英語です。
☆ DVDに特典メニューが含まれています。
☆ CDには、歌つきの曲と、曲のみ(カラオケ)の両方が含まれています。
☆ オンライン(ネットから)、あるいは、サイニングタイム・アカデミー認定の

日本語版Baby Signing Time (BST) は、
☆ 英語のサウンドトラックを収録しています
☆ 日本語と英語の字幕つきです。
☆ パッケージは日本語です。
☆ リージョン2のDVDプレーヤーのみで再生できます。
☆ メニューは日本語のみです。
☆ DVDに特典メニューが含まれています(オリジナル版と同じです)。
☆ CDには、歌つきの曲のみ収録されています。
☆ 日本で購入できます。

The US Baby Signing Time DVDs (Original released in 2005)
☆ Includes English language soundtrack and
☆ English Language subtitles
☆ Packaging is in English
☆ Playable on all DVD players as it is in a multi-region format
☆ Menu in English
☆ Special features included on the DVDS
☆ CD includes both the tracks with singing and instrumental sing-along tracks
☆ Can be purchased online or in Japan from a Signing Time Academy certified instructor

The Japan Baby Signing Tine DVDs (released in 2012)
☆ Includes the English language soundtrack (no Japanese soundtrack)
☆ Subtitles in both Japanese and English
☆ Packaging is in Japanese
☆ Playable only on Region 2 DVD players
☆ Menu only in Japanese
☆ Special features included on the DVDs (same as the original)
☆ CD includes just the Songs with lyrics
☆ Can be purchased in Japan

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We Sign Videos

One of the great things about Signing Time (and there are many great things!) is that it uses real ASL vocabulary.  It uses real signs from a real language.  This means that there are great resources in addition to Signing Time that can be used to enhance language learning and communication.

One of the companies that also creates DVDs for kids with ASL vocabulary is We Sign.  A favorite in our house is the We Sign Christmas Carols DVD.  These are all songs we hear a lot this time of year so they are easy for kids to pick up.  Signing the words as they are sung also helps us to pay attention to the meaning of the songs.  It is also a way to add actions (which kids love!) to songs that we don't normally think of adding actions to!

Here, take a look!

The We Sign Christmas Carols DVD includes the following songs:
Silent Night (きようしこのよる)
The First Noel  (牧人ひつじを)
Away in a Manger (かいばのおけに)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (しずかにねむれる)
What Child Is This?
Joy To The World (もろびとこぞりて)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (世のひと忘るな)
O Come, All Ye Faithful  (神の御子は)

Most of the songs from this DVD are also included in the Japanese/English Caroling Collection CD

(クリスマス ソング コレクション) and can be downloaded from  The book (sheet music) can be found here.

Friday, December 7, 2012

More Toddler Reading

In the previous post I shared a video from yesterday.  Here are a few more from the same reading session!

Reading an Easter Book - Things I See at Easter

Even if the child's signs are not perfect they can still enjoy reading.  As you can see my daughter is also "correcting" her signs as her ability increases so they look more and more like the signs produced by adults.  This is a normal step for 2 and 3 year olds!  This is also why I always tell parents to capture the cute "baby sign language" moments on video because like everything else kids grow out of it quickly!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reading an Animal Book

My daughter loves books.  Her love of books has been fostered in part by the ability to "read" on her own by signing what she sees.


The いろいろかくれんぼ books by いしかわ こうじ are very popular in our home. Many of the topics are the same as those covered in the Baby Signing Time and Signing Time series. These books are a fun way to reinforce the signs that we have learned!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sing, Sign and a Craft! クリスマスのサインで遊ぼう!

Christmas Play Group - Sing, sign and a craft!
12月14日     Dec. 14th 1-2PM
参加費:1,000円 Fee: 1,000 yen

At Hana House in Suginami-ku (Chuo/Sobu lines) Tokyo
Please register by contacting Hana House directly.    ☎03-6750-8677
Hana House

Play Group サインで遊ぼう! is designed for anyone who has an interest in signing with their child.  It is a chance for those who are not familiar with Baby Sign Language to see some baby signers in action.  For current students it is a time to learn vocabulary and songs not covered in the regular Baby Signing Time curriculum.  For our graduates and signers who have studies elsewhere or on their own it is a chance to gather with like-minded parents and kids.

Monday, November 19, 2012

4年目よろしく! Entering the 4th year!

今週はサイニング・タイム・アカデミーのベビー・サイニング・タイム・インストラクターになって三年になります!これからもよろしくお願いします!This week will be three years since I became a Signing Time Academy certified Baby Signing Time Instructor!  Those three years went by fast...!!!
I came across the e-mail today from 2009 announcing my certification and stating that I would be the first international instructor from the Signing Time Academy (STA) to be certified and one of the first STA instructors.  At the time I had a Baby Signing Time class in progress (using the then brand new curriculum) so that class was also one of the first classes to complete the course!

My journey to this point, however, started years before.
As a child I had a baby sitter who would teach us ASL signs.  I don't remember much but when I was taking the ASL course to become a STA instructor there was something in my mind that recognized a number of signs and made it easy to remember them.
Also, at the church/school/camps that I went to, from childhood through college, we often had ASL signs as part of the actions for songs. Many of those signs also managed to stay with me.

In college I remember having a dormitory conversation with some of my friends about be benefits and pitfalls of signing with babies and young kids.  Apparently it came up in one of their Early Childhood Education classes and the consensus at the time (circa 2000) was that signing (using ASL or gestures) with babies/toddlers/preschoolers was bad. Years later the opposite has actually been proven to be true.
I don't know why I remember this particular conversation so well.  Perhaps it is because I was exposed to sign language as a kid and I turned out OK?  Whatever the reason was I knew that some day I would try signing with my kids as it seemed like a beneficial thing, not harmful.

Jump to 2007 when my son was born...
With my new baby there were so many things I wanted to try!  When we finally were ready to get out and be more social (when he was around 4 months old) we signed up for a Japanese language Baby Signs class.  Going to class gave us motivation to get started on our signing journey.  However, I was put off by the amount of homework we had... and that many of things were crafts which were not baby friendly.  As the course ended I started looking around for a couple of signing DVDs that we could use at home for further study.  That is when we discovered Baby Signing Time and Signing Time.

2008 - During the next year my son's signing took off. His first few signs started coming randomly at 9/10/11 months old. By 20 months old he was regularly using about 150 signs, most of which were learned from the Signing Time DVDs.
At that time we found a Baby Signs class in English in Tokyo and signed up.  While not all the signs used in class were ASL signs enough of the signs overlapped to allow him to take what he learned from Signing Time and use it in class.  The main reason for taking the class was so we could be in an environment where my son could interact with other English speakers and where his signing could be understood.  It is very hard to teach someone a language if they have no one to use it with!
One challenge we faced though was that the teacher of the class tried to discourage us from signing as my son was starting to talk.  The class administrator and other students though were very encouraging and supportive of our signing journey.  Thanks to the Signing Time Resource homepage I knew about all the potential benefits of signing and was excited to see where the journey would lead.

During the summer of 2009 I was asked by a few different people if I had considered becoming a baby sign language instructor.  It wasn't something I had ever imagined myself doing but when I started looking at the possibilities a great opportunity came up.  Two Little Hands, the people who bring us Signing Time, was working on creating the Signing Time Academy.  In the fall I became a STA certified Baby Signing Time instructor and started teaching my first class.

In 2010 my daughter was born so I took a few months off from teaching.  During that time I studied for and was achieved STA Master Instructor status.  With a super signing 2 year old I had plenty of chances to use everything I learned as his thirst for knowledge and new words (signs) was unlimited!

At the start of 2011 I returned to teaching regular Baby Signing Time classes - this time with 2 little signing assistants!
My daughter was born into a signing family which turned out to be a huge advantage for her.  She started responding to signs when she was 5 months old and by the time she turned one she was regularly using 10-15 signs.  Thanks to the example set by her brother she picked up many new signs so quickly that by 20 months old we were no longer able to keep track of how many signs she knew!
It has been interesting to see which signs she likes the most.  Generally they are signs (like dinosaur, umbrella and helicopter) that I didn't teach her directly but she picked up from her brother!  Signing has shown us her personality and is a key to the great relationship she has with her brother as it has allowed her to communicate with him directly from an early age.

In 2012 a new class was opened in Adachi-ku in addition to the regular classes on Suginami-ku.

That brings us up to this week.  It has been a great journey so far and I'm looking forward to discovering where we will go from here!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Upcoming Potty TIme Workshop!

Potty Time Workshop トイレトレーニング・ワークショップ

Join us for a 1-hour introduction to how you can make potty training easier for you and more fun for your child. Potty Time works for children ages 1-5 and supports any potty training method you choose.
Contact Hana House to register.

This workshop will be held in the Hana House Bricks classroom near Nishiogikubo Stn. on the Chuo line in Suginami-ku, Tokyo.

Signing Timeを使ったトイレトレーニングセミナーです。まだ言葉が上手でないお子さんでも、


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Story of Signing Time

Have you ever wondered abotu the story behind Signing Time?  It is an inspirational one.  Here is a recent video of Rachel sharing about Leah, Lucy (her daughters) and how Signing Time came to be!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Introducing... Rachel and the TreeSchoolers!

The people who created Signing Time have put together a preschool DVD - which includes a bit of sign language.  If you want to do a bit of preschool homeschool this may turn out to be a great place to start!

So, here is a first look at Rachel and the TreeSchoolers!

The theme song is good... 

There is also a video of one of a new rendition of Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Our DVD isn't here yet... but I'll let you know what the kids think of it, and the related activities, after it arrives!

11月30日トイレトレーニングセミナー Potty Time Workshop

The next Potty Time Workshop is planned for Friday November 30th, 2012 from 1-2 PM at Hana House!

11月 30日(金)13:00−14:00
講師:江本ハイディー(英語 & 日本語)
東京都杉並区で  ハナハウス レンガ教室

☎ 03-6750-8677(平日10:00~16:00)

ベビー・サイン・ランゲージ・クラス Baby Sign Language Class

It is not too late to join the next session of Baby Signing Time classes in Takenotsuka!

10/30  Lesson 2 “Eat & Drink”
11/6    Lesson 3 “Pets I Love”
11/13  Lesson 4 “Family”
11/20 (off week)
11/27  Lesson 5 “Clothing”
12/4   Lesson 6 “Here I Go”
12/11  Lesson 7 “My Nice Words”
12/18  Lesson 8 “Bed Time”

Teacher: Heidi Emoto 講師: 江本 ハイディー  

Takenotsuka Station is: 
 - 10 minutes from Kita Senju
 - 12 minutes from Ayase
 - 20 minutes from Ueno on Hibiya Line/Tobu Skytree Line
 - 40 minutes from Roppongi on Hibiya Line/Tobu Skytree Line
 - 20 minutes from Nippori
 - 11 minutes from Koshigaya
 - 30 minutes from Kasukabe

Friday, October 12, 2012

Creepy Crawly Things

Fome some reason at Baby Signing Time class we keep getting into the discussions of "How do you sign snake, worm and catterpillar?"

There are many variations that we've come across and everyone seems to want a firm answer.  So, in an attampt to provide that let's take a look!

Snake on Signing Savvy

Worm on Signing Savvy

Caterpillar on Signing Savvy

And as you know all these things crawl!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

竹の塚 の 秋の予定 Fall Schedule for Takenotsuka

Fall 2012 Schedule 秋の予定
Baby Signing Time ☆ Sign and Play ☆ Class

ベーシッククラス 火10:30-11:30
Basic Class on Tuesdays 10:30-11:30

10/16  体験/Lesson 1 “Theme & More”
10/23 (off week)
10/30  Lesson 2 “Eat & Drink”
11/6   Lesson 3 “Pets I Love”
11/13  Lesson 4 “Family”
11/20 (off week)
11/27  Lesson 5 “Clothing”
12/4   Lesson 6 “Here I Go”
12/11  Lesson 7 “My Nice Words”
12/18  Lesson 8 “Bed Time”

Teacher: Heidi Emoto 講師: 江本 ハイディー

Registration お申し込み
体験レッスンまたはクラスの受講を希望される方は、その旨を以下のお問い合わせフォームからお知らせくださるか、heidi @ までご連絡ください。

To register for a Trial Lesson or the Baby Signing Time class please fill out the form below or send an e-mail to heidi @

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Books that Enhance

One of the great things about using ASL (American Sign Language) as the basis for signing with children is the wealth of "extra" books that you can use.  Since it is a real, full language there are new books constantly being made and many great ones already published.

The Baby Signing Time, Signing Time and Potty Time Board Books are currently hard to get your hands on in Japan.  However, I can take orders for them.  The other books can be purchased via

The main books that we use in the baby class are, of course, the Baby Signing Time Board Books!

Potty Time Board Book: Hopkins Uses the Potty

Signing Time Board Books - These coordinate with the first 6 volumes of the Signing Time Series 1 DVDs & Flashcards

Below are some of the other books that we have used in class.  These are not from Signing Time but are based on ASL, the same as Signing Time.

Words by The Handful - a box set of small board books great for babies & toddlers  (see blog post)

Sign and Sing Along Series - Illustrated by Annie Kubler -  Popular English Children's songs illustrated with ASL signs.  Please note that there is also a BSL version (British Sign Langauge).
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Incey Wincey Spider 
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Sign About Series -Illustrated by Anthony Lewis -  Like little board book picture dictionaries.  Great for expanding vocabulary beyond what we cover in class.  Please note that there is also a BSL version (British Sign Langauge).
Getting Ready
Going Out
Play Time
Meal Time

Friday, September 28, 2012

From Class Today...

The fall session of classes at Hana House are in full swing!  Of course this also means there are many good questions coming up and I don't always have the time/resources on hand to take care of them in class.

One of the questions today was about where to look for words which are not covered in the Baby Signing Time series but are still be helpful to know.  Since we are using American Sign Language (ASL) there are many resources available to us!

One favorite link:  Signing Savvy
While this is a membership site (you can pay for full access) it also has a number of features that you can use for free.  One of the best is an ASL video dictionary.  You can search for a word or browse through their list.  I believe there is a limit of 5 signs a day for the "free" search.
Today some of the "extra" words that people asked about included:
Coffee - movement like a handheld coffee grinder
Hospital / Clinic - fingerspell "h" and make the sign of a cross - like a red cross patch on your arm
Doctor - fingers move like taking a pulse - another variation is fingerspell "d" taking the pulse
Medicine - like you are smashing a pill in your hand

★ Please note that like any spoken language there is more than one way to "say" the same word.  Some of the signs may not be the exact same one that is used in Signing Time.  That does not mean that one is "right" and the other "wrong" - they are simply "different"!

The questions about signs for visiting the doctor lead to an interesting discussion of how in English we use "medicine" as a general term for a variety of medicines (pills, drops, lotions etc.) but in Japanese くすり is usually taken to mean the kind you swallow - which is incidentally seemingly more often in powder form in Japan than in the US.

Yes, we gather in class to learn to communicate with our children through signing but we also learn a lot of other things along the way!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Signing up a Storm!

Miss Mega (who just turned 2) has been signing up a storm - and signing about storms - every day.  Her toddler energy is amazing!  Every day she adds both new words and new signs.  Her spoken languages (mainly Japanese and English) often leave us wondering what words she is trying to pronounce so we rely heavily on the signs she uses to help us untangle this web.
It is very common for bilingual / multilingual toddlers to mix spoken languages - even in the same sentence.  Mega also mixes ASL signs with her two main spoken languages.  As toddlers grown into preschoolers they will naturally separate and isolate both spoken and signed languages.  This adorable (and sometimes frustrating!) time of mixing languages is super cute so we are trying to catch some of the conversations on video.

A conversation on a rainy morning...

A typical morning conversation...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Classes at Hana House Fall 2012 ハナハウスで秋のクラス

The Basic Class trial lessons are nearly full! ベーシック・クラスはもうすぐ定員になりそうです!

アドバンス・クラスはまだ空きがあります (金曜日 14:10-14:45)。アドバンス・クラスは初級レベル(ベーシック・クラス)を終えた方あるいはそれに相当するレベルを他の教室などで終えている方対象となります。
There is still space in the Advanced class (Fri. 14:05 - 14:45) for students who have either completed the Basic Class or who have studied someplace else or on there own.  Please contact Hana House for information on joining the Advanced Class!

We are having trial lessons this week and next for the new fall session of Baby Signing Time ☆ Sign and Play ☆ class.今週と来週に次の新しいベビー・サイニング・タイムのクラスの体験レッスンがあります。
体験クラス:9/7(金)、9/14(金)13:00 - 13:50 (約80分)
内容:サイン育児(ベビーサイニング)の素晴らしい世界 & Lesson 1
Trial lesson: Friday, September 9th 13:00 - 13:50 and Friday September 14th 13:00 - 13:50
The trial lesson includes an introduction to using sign language to improve communication with infants and toddlers. It also includes the first lesson of the Baby Signing Time course.
会場:レンガ教室 、 定員:10組(満席になり次第受付終了)
Location: Hana House Bricks Classroom
Class Size: Max. of 10 parent/child pairs
Trial Lesson Fee: 1,500 yen (payable in cash of Suginami-ku Kosodate Oenken)

For more information or to sign up please contact Hana House either by e-mail or phone 03-6750-8677 or 080-4322-9490(Weekdays 10:00-17:00) (Both English and Japanese are OK)

ハナハウスでのベビー・サイニング・タイム“Sign and Play”クラスは、二つのレベルがあり、それぞれ8回のレッスンから成っています。ベーシック・クラスは、体験レッスン+7回のレッスン。アドバンス・クラスは、初級レベル(ベーシック・クラス)を終えた方あるいはそれに相当するレベルを他の教室などで終えている方対象となり、8回のレッスンとなります。
The Baby Signing Time ☆ Sign and Play ☆ class at Hana House consists of two levels with 8 lessons each.  The Basic Class includes the Trial Lesson + 7 weekly lessons.  The Advanced Class is for students who have previously completed the beginner level, or the equivalent, and consists of 8 weekly lessons.

Details including class dates and cost are here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Potty Training Workshop トイレトレーニング・ワークショップ

Please note: The November workshop has been moved to November 23rd (a natinoal holiday in Japan)  from 13:00-14:00.

Potty Training Workshop


8月24日 午後1:00〜2:0

1-hour introduction to the Potty Time Program
 learn how you can make potty training easier for you and more fun for your child. Potty Time works for children ages 0-5 and supports any potty training method you choose. 
 Contact Hana House (in Suginami-ku, Tokyo) to register.


Here is a preview of what Potty Time has to offer!

Potty Time preview from Signing Time on Vimeo.

Monday, May 21, 2012


in Adachi-ku, Tokyo

We are having trial lesson on Tuesday, May 29th in Takenotsuka for the new session of Baby Signing Time ☆ Sign and Play ☆ class. 5月29日(火)に足立区竹ノ塚で次のベビー・サイニング・タイムのクラスの体験レッスンがあります。



Trial lesson: Tuesday, May 29th 10:30-11:20 
The trial lesson includes an introduction to using sign language to improve communication with infants and toddlers. It also includes the first lesson of the Baby Signing Time course.

Location: Takenotsuka Lutheran Church
Class Size: Max. of 10 parent/child pairs
Trial Lesson Fee: 1,000 yen (payable in cash)

メールはheidi @ signingtimeacademy.comまで。
For more information or to sign up please contact Heidi either by e-mail heidi @ or call the church (03)3899-2529 (Both English and Japanese are OK)

言葉&サインのベビー・サイニング・タイム“Sign and Play”クラスは、二つのレベルがあり、それぞれ8回のレッスンから成っています。ベーシック・クラスは、体験レッスン+7回のレッスン。アドバンス・クラスは、初級レベル(ベーシック・クラス)を終えた方あるいはそれに相当するレベルを他の教室などで終えている方対象となり、8回のレッスンとなります。
The Kotoba & Sign Baby Signing Time ☆ Sign and Play ☆ class consists of two levels with 8 lessons each.  The Basic Class includes the Trial Lesson + 7 weekly lessons.  The Advanced Class is for students who have previously completed the beginner level, or the equivalent, and consists of 8 weekly lessons.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

25 key words by age 2 歳までにつけた方がいいの単語

最近のリサーチで二歳になる時の25コの必要な言葉が見つかりました。二歳になる子がこの単語を使うないばいだと成長は順調ではない印の一つです。 Every 2-year-old should know at least these 25 words: researchers A checklist for toddler language development BY HEIDI EVANS / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, February 20, 2012, 10:42 PM Read more: Turns out chatty toddlers who say “all gone” and “bye-bye” aren’t just cute — they’re showing off their essential language skills. Researchers have identified 25 “must have” words that every child should be saying when they turn 2. Kids who haven’t mastered them might not just be late talkers — they could be showing signs of autism, developmental delays or hearing problems . The 25 words — including Mommy, Daddy, baby, hot and hat — were the most commonly said of a list of 310 words that kids master when they first start to speak. Parents who are worried that their kids aren’t chatty enough should consider turning off the TV. A growing body of research also found that kids develop language more quickly if they are engaged in conversation instead of parked in front of kids’ programs . Professor Nan Bernstein Ratner, who moderated the panel at the American Association for the Advancement on Science where the findings were presented last weekend, said the 25 words are like the “canary in the coal mine.” “When a child doesn’t have enough words at the age of 2, that is not only a problem in its own right, but it’s a signal of a variety of other problems,” she said. The 25 words are just the baseline for toddler talkers. There is a wide range of language abilities in toddlers, and 2-year-olds’ normal range is from 75-225 words. Children who are late talkers usually have an average vocabulary of 25 words. Leslie Rescorla, director of the Child Study Institute at Bryn Mawr College who developed the checklist, said most kids have many more. “The bottom line is this: Children should have 50 words by the time they are 2 and they should begin to combine words into phrases,” Rescorla said. “ If they are not doing that, it’s worth evaluating them because they might have a problem you can start helping them with early.” Rescorla says most late-talking toddlers catch up. But their skills are likely to lag behind those of kids from the same background who were chattier at 2. There’s good news for bilingual families — their 2-year-olds are expected to have 25 words in only one of their languages. Upper West Side bilingual baby Violette Tarantino-Marie began to have a blizzard of words at 19 months. She initially spoke what friends called “Fringlish” when she was 19 months, but could rattle off more than 100 words in English at 2. She was a little less verbal in French. Now, at 3, she’s speaking up a storm in both languages. “We talk all day,” said her mom, Carla. 25 'MUST HAVE' WORDS FOR TODDLERS Mommy Daddy baby milk juice hello bye-bye yes no dog cat ball nose eye banana cookie car hot thank-you bath shoe hat book more all gone Read more:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mullberry Bush サインで読める絵本

There are many books that you can read even if you know just a few signs.  One of the favorites at our house is Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush from the Child's Play Classic Books with Holes series. 
Here is a video clip of Mega reading the page with bath and brushing teeth.  She is 21 months old in this video and uses ASL signs along with spoken words.  Since she is still young her pronunciation is not great but thanks to the signs it is easy to know what she is saying!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Signing at 19 Months Old

I'm digging through the videos on my computer to find examples of signing.  Here are a couple of my daughter at 19 months old.

Vest From Friend

Reading Baby Siging Time Flashcards

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Flashcards On Stroller

Here is a great use for the Baby Signing Time and Signing Time flashcards:
Add them to some baby rings and hook them to the stroller!  They make for great reading on trains or while waiting in lines.  The flashcards can also come in handy when your child is being shy and would rather point than speak or sign!

Potty Time Success Chart

Miss Mega, my toddler, is loving her Potty Time Success Chart
She filled it up today :-)
You can download your own Success Chart for free from the Potty Time homepage.  I have a penchant for laminating things so of course ours is laminated so we can use it over and over again.  Pair it with some sticker's your child loves and you're ready to go!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

サインで遊ぼう!Play Group

Sign & Play Group
4月20日 13:00〜14:00
at the Bricks Classroom

I Can Talk With My Hands... Can You?