Thursday, December 27, 2012

Japan Release of Baby Signing Time ベビー・サイニングタイムの日本リリース

日本コロムビアTwo Little Handsと提携して、2012年12月19日にDVDのベビーサイニングタイム・シリーズをリリースしました。幼い子どもたちと手話することを学ぶ上で多くの偉大なメリットがあるこの教材が“公式に”日本に来たことを、私はとても喜んでいます。
この投稿では、Two Little Handと日本コロムビアからリリースされたこれらのDVDの何が同じで何が違うかについての詳細を読むことができます。

On December 19th, 2012 Nippon Columbia, in partnership with Two Little Hands, released the Baby Signing Time series on DVD.  I am excited to see it "officially" come to Japan as there are so many great benefits of learning to sign with young children.
In THIS POST you can read more details about what is the same/different between the DVDs release by Two Little Hand and Columbia Japan.

US Baby Signing Time website アメリカサイト:

Japan Signing Time site 日本サイト:

Baby Signing Time と ベビー・サイニングタイム

Baby Signing Timeベビー・サイニングタイム はどこが一緒で、どこが違いますか?
How are the Japan and the US Baby Signing Time DVDs the same and different?

基本的にこの二つは(二つの異なる市場に向けて制作された)同じ内容のものです。Baby Signing Time (BST)は、家族が米国手話(ASL)を使ってまだ言葉を話せない子どもたちとコミュニケーションをとるのを助けることを目的とした、Two Little Hands Productionsの商品です。 Baby Signing Time (BST)日本版は、日本コロムビアよりリリースされています。それは米国版と同じビデオ映像と音が含まれていますが、日本版パッケージで提供され、字幕が含まれています。日本版リリースの目的は、言語学習プロセスを助けるASLの語彙を用いた英語の教材としてです。
Essentially they are the same product made for two different markets.  Baby Signing Time (BST) is a product of Two Little Hands Productions company aimed at helping families communicate with their young children by using ASL vocabulary.
The BST Japan release is by Nippon Columbia.  It includes the same video footage and sound as the US release but comes in a Japanized package and includes subtitles.  The aim of the Japan release is as an English teaching tool with ASL vocabulary aiding in the language learning process.

アメリカ版 (オリジナル版) Baby Signing Time (BST)は、

☆ 英語のサウンドトラックを収録しています。
☆ 英語の字幕つきです。
☆ パッケージは英語です。
☆ マルチリージョン形式のDVDなので、どのDVDプレーヤーでも再生できます。
☆ メニューは英語です。
☆ DVDに特典メニューが含まれています。
☆ CDには、歌つきの曲と、曲のみ(カラオケ)の両方が含まれています。
☆ オンライン(ネットから)、あるいは、サイニングタイム・アカデミー認定の

日本語版Baby Signing Time (BST) は、
☆ 英語のサウンドトラックを収録しています
☆ 日本語と英語の字幕つきです。
☆ パッケージは日本語です。
☆ リージョン2のDVDプレーヤーのみで再生できます。
☆ メニューは日本語のみです。
☆ DVDに特典メニューが含まれています(オリジナル版と同じです)。
☆ CDには、歌つきの曲のみ収録されています。
☆ 日本で購入できます。

The US Baby Signing Time DVDs (Original released in 2005)
☆ Includes English language soundtrack and
☆ English Language subtitles
☆ Packaging is in English
☆ Playable on all DVD players as it is in a multi-region format
☆ Menu in English
☆ Special features included on the DVDS
☆ CD includes both the tracks with singing and instrumental sing-along tracks
☆ Can be purchased online or in Japan from a Signing Time Academy certified instructor

The Japan Baby Signing Tine DVDs (released in 2012)
☆ Includes the English language soundtrack (no Japanese soundtrack)
☆ Subtitles in both Japanese and English
☆ Packaging is in Japanese
☆ Playable only on Region 2 DVD players
☆ Menu only in Japanese
☆ Special features included on the DVDs (same as the original)
☆ CD includes just the Songs with lyrics
☆ Can be purchased in Japan

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We Sign Videos

One of the great things about Signing Time (and there are many great things!) is that it uses real ASL vocabulary.  It uses real signs from a real language.  This means that there are great resources in addition to Signing Time that can be used to enhance language learning and communication.

One of the companies that also creates DVDs for kids with ASL vocabulary is We Sign.  A favorite in our house is the We Sign Christmas Carols DVD.  These are all songs we hear a lot this time of year so they are easy for kids to pick up.  Signing the words as they are sung also helps us to pay attention to the meaning of the songs.  It is also a way to add actions (which kids love!) to songs that we don't normally think of adding actions to!

Here, take a look!

The We Sign Christmas Carols DVD includes the following songs:
Silent Night (きようしこのよる)
The First Noel  (牧人ひつじを)
Away in a Manger (かいばのおけに)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (しずかにねむれる)
What Child Is This?
Joy To The World (もろびとこぞりて)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (世のひと忘るな)
O Come, All Ye Faithful  (神の御子は)

Most of the songs from this DVD are also included in the Japanese/English Caroling Collection CD

(クリスマス ソング コレクション) and can be downloaded from  The book (sheet music) can be found here.

Friday, December 7, 2012

More Toddler Reading

In the previous post I shared a video from yesterday.  Here are a few more from the same reading session!

Reading an Easter Book - Things I See at Easter

Even if the child's signs are not perfect they can still enjoy reading.  As you can see my daughter is also "correcting" her signs as her ability increases so they look more and more like the signs produced by adults.  This is a normal step for 2 and 3 year olds!  This is also why I always tell parents to capture the cute "baby sign language" moments on video because like everything else kids grow out of it quickly!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reading an Animal Book

My daughter loves books.  Her love of books has been fostered in part by the ability to "read" on her own by signing what she sees.


The いろいろかくれんぼ books by いしかわ こうじ are very popular in our home. Many of the topics are the same as those covered in the Baby Signing Time and Signing Time series. These books are a fun way to reinforce the signs that we have learned!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sing, Sign and a Craft! クリスマスのサインで遊ぼう!

Christmas Play Group - Sing, sign and a craft!
12月14日     Dec. 14th 1-2PM
参加費:1,000円 Fee: 1,000 yen

At Hana House in Suginami-ku (Chuo/Sobu lines) Tokyo
Please register by contacting Hana House directly.    ☎03-6750-8677
Hana House

Play Group サインで遊ぼう! is designed for anyone who has an interest in signing with their child.  It is a chance for those who are not familiar with Baby Sign Language to see some baby signers in action.  For current students it is a time to learn vocabulary and songs not covered in the regular Baby Signing Time curriculum.  For our graduates and signers who have studies elsewhere or on their own it is a chance to gather with like-minded parents and kids.