Friday, April 14, 2017

2017春体験レッスン Trial Lessons


Join us for the classes starting this month.

With a multisensory approach including singing, signing, movement, watching, we enjoy spending time together in an English environment.

Trial Lessons for Baby Signing Time & Beyond Classes

Hana House (Suginami-ku):April 25th & May 9th 2017
Takenotsuka (Adachi-ku): April 26th 2017

ハナハウス(杉並区):2017年4月25日, 5月9日
竹の塚 (足立区):2017年4月26日

Baby Signing Time     ベビー・サイニングタイム

☆ Baby Signing Time Class is for babies 0-1 years old and their parent/guardian

Beyond Class     Beyondクラス
「Beyondクラス」は1~3才までの      幼児と保護者
☆ Beyond Class is for toddlers 1-3 years old and their parent/guardian

Check out the Kotoba & Sign hompage for more information!

✨ Learn to communicate with your baby/toddler using American Sign Language vocabulary.  ✨

✨ Learn new songs and activities to enjoy with your child. ✨
✨ Enjoy some of the many benefits of using signs to enhance communication and learning. ✨

✨ Take a class that supports bilingual/multilingual families. ✨

✨ Come and join the fun! ✨

☆ This class is taught bilingually in Japanese and English but you don't need to know both languages to participate! ☆

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Signs for Spring

Let's spring into Spring!

As the winter ends we can spend more time outside enjoying the wondrous season of Spring. Children sense the change of season and are curious to know how things grow. The littlest ones want to know the names of all the things they may be noticing for the very first time. 

Signing Time / Two Little Hands has created activity packs to accompany a number of videos and songs. Here are links for Spring!

⭐︎ Baby Signing Time: Strollin’ (Ages 0-3)

⭐︎ Signing Time: Outside (Ages 1+)

⭐︎ TreeSchoolers: Rainy Day (Ages 3+)

⭐︎ TreeSchoolers: Plants & Flowers (Ages 3+)

In addition to the Activity Packs and videos above there are also a number of Two Little Hands Spring craft ideas. Take a look!

Visit the Kotoba & Sign Amazon Store to find spring books and toys to use with these new signs!

I Can Talk With My Hands... Can You?

Kotoba & Sign 言葉&サイン e-mail: heidi @  
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